Friday 11 November 2011

Rainy day men

Everyone is staying in today. It's remembrance day. It's Kurt vonnegut's birthday. It's pouring. It's 2pm and you're snoring soundly. You have been a little out of sorts since the time change but you're growing teeth and you're not two so how are you supposed to understand why we eat dinner in the dark four months of the year?
We went and saw Jenny today at work and you started calling for colombe when we left. Jenny is a real sweetheart and treats you perfectly. Even gave you a juice that you promptly spilled all over the floor. We both went to grab it and missed. Parenting reflexes are just not up to snuff today.
I feel like I should write in this more but I don't really feel like I have the talent to make it good enough to hold up over time. Maybe you'll get a kick out of it someday. Maybe i will. Anyhow. Our summer is officially over. I went for a motorbike ride last week with Jackie Bandita and it may be the last one till whenevs. We had a fantastic summer you and I. We went to the aquarium and you barked at seals, and were scared by a sea lion so you " upupupupuped" into my arms and then leaned over and roared at him. So adorable. You have spent significant time roaring lately. We also got to go to the pool. New Brighton. You looked down the drain where the water was going for probably twenty minutes. Then waded out and went down the slide into waiting arms. Grandma bought you a swimsuit. Lucky girl. You and grandma Rhonda fell in love this summer when grandpa and I were working. You learned all kinds of words and tricks from her. I think it was the fastest you ever learned anything. I have decided that one-and-a-half is my favorite age for you. You have just been fantastic. You learn so fast now it's incredible to watch. New words and faces and names. Michelle Jane colombe Jenny grandma. Everyone. Chris was your first. I think he really likes that. You are still sleeping under his baby blanket btw.
What else. I know I'll forget lots. There will be photos and hopefully more notes. Hopefully we stay fed and warm and happy. It's winter now and I am unemployed. Building bikes. Maybe
I'll sell one. Maybe that will work out for the future. I fantasize about a simpler life. Were we can exist and not need so much house and car and shop and bills and all that. but who knows how it will turn out. When I started writing this entry it was pouring and there has been thunder. Now there's blue sky. If you can't count on rain in this town what can you count on? Gotta do my taxes.

Monday 11 April 2011

Hey kid

So yesterday you walked in front of me. It was a pretty thrilling moment. We were a lttle pissed at each other before you took those few steps and they really took the edge off a previously hard day. We had a rough night the night before, and your mom and I still don't get along, but for a few moments there you really made my day. It's funny how we can do that for each other. I had a battle with Madge Friday and went into our weekend together gumptionless. You pick up on that shit right away and show it to me like a mirror. I don't deal with it too well and you pick that up too. It's funny, I'm beginning to think your mood is just a barometer of how well I'm dealing with my own life. If I show up and can't put in the effort it seems you won't be into it either.
But enough of that.
Today was sunny snd beautiful and we kept it simple together. Walkin the friend. Seeing chris. Buying grocerys. Even got to sit in Madge and visit auntie social. You like all those things. You even tolerate talk of motorcycles. Dads girl.
You have a way to charm anyone with a look or a smile. It's great to watch. Especially because you always do it from my arms. You even gave one to Michelle while you were falling asleep and begging me to get you out of there. Anyhow. Good day and good weekend kiddo. I'll be thinking of you over the next few days and I'll make sure I'm rested, fed, and waiting when it's dad time again. Sleep tight.